Chloe Owen - NHS Northamptonshire Foundation Trust

How did you begin your Apprenticeship?

I had just finished college where I completed Hairdressing and after a year of working in a salon, I found Hairdressing wasn’t for me and I wanted to look at going into Business Administration. After looking through the NHS jobs website, I came across an apprenticeship within the NHS completing Business Administration. After being successful for the apprenticeship, I then undertook a 15-month Level 2 Business Administration course.

After 5 years of working in the NHS and with my team working as a Team Administrator, I decided to complete my Level 3 Business Administration after seeing the course advertised on our internal organisations staff room, this then become one of my objectives in my yearly appraisal and become keen to complete to develop further.  My line manager was happy for me to do this and supported me at all times.

What is the study model like and what type of things have you been doing in your off-the-job learning?

Throughout my apprenticeship, I was provided with guides and tools to read before every module and assignment by my Apprenticeship mentor. I found the power points and booklets really useful to help me write my assignment and complete any modules. Each week, I was given study hours in my work time to complete any work towards my Apprenticeship.

With my off the job learning hours, I used these hours for any discussions I had with my line manager, any training sessions with my mentor, any team meetings I attended and any videos/power points that I watched.

What has been the hardest part?

The hardest part of my course was understanding some of the modules due to this being completely new to me. With the support from my line manager and mentor, I achieved the modules to a high standard with developing me skills and knowledge.

What has been the best part?

The best part was the support I had from my mentor and line manager which helped me throughout the 15 months of my course. I gained a lot more confidence in my day-to-day role when completing tasks.

What do you hope to do next?

I hope to develop my career further by gaining more skills and knowledge. I hope to complete and look into further courses such as Level 4 Project Management and Supervisor courses.

I have just been successful in securing a 6 month secondment to our HR & OD Director which offers me a salary increase and a great opportunity to work at a much higher. This will give me much more experience and open up further development opportunities.

What tips do you have for people who want to do the same Apprenticeship as you?

My tips are:

  • Make sure you give yourself time to complete any assignment work in a quiet and calm environment.

  • Make sure you read through all resources sent from your Apprenticeship mentor.

  • Do not rush any work set by your mentor and always ask your mentor for any help if you are unsure, they are always there to support you. 

Case StudiesKatie Walker