Get to know the LSP Team - Andy Fisher

Get to know the the LSP Team

As part of a regular feature we would like to give an insight into the LSP team members. It is always nice to find out a little more about those we work alongside and many of our staff have a wealth of knowledge, interests and hobbies that would really surprise you!

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Meet Andy Fisher

Construction Tutor

What sort of duties do you have at work?

I currently tutor 5 separate groups in groups sessions of different aspects of Civil Engineering such as Digital Technicians, Civil Engineers and Quantity Surveyors at Level 3.


What is the most exciting part of your job?

Meeting a new young person who is fresh to construction and knowing by the time you have finished their course they will be happy and confident in Civil engineering and have a bright future.


What is the best place you have travelled to?

I travelled up the whole of the east coast of Australia with my family, it was a lifetime experience.


Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? 

I have competed for my country at Archery. I also make things out of leather such as belts, bags and masks.


Do you have any pets?

Yes I have a black and white cat called Bubbles who is now 16 years old.


What do you do in your spare time (if you have any)?

Cycle a lot and travel to new places.


What is your greatest achievement?

Aside marrying my best friend, I have two beautiful intelligent daughters who make me proud.


What is the dream car you would love to drive?

Lamborghini Huracan

The best piece of advice you would give to your 16-year-old self?

Don’t grow up, it’s a trap!

I have no regrets in my life so would do it all again. Our lives are a privilege and each day should be a surprise, I wouldn’t want to know what’s coming as it would then spoil the surprise.