Get to know the LSP Team - Hersha Sanghani

Get to know the the LSP Team

As part of a regular feature we would like to give an insight into the LSP team members. It is always nice to find out a little more about those we work alongside and many of our staff have a wealth of knowledge, interests and hobbies that would really surprise you!


Meet Hersha Sanghani


What sort of duties do you have at work?

My role is supporting apprentices through their qualification and assessing their performance and knowledge against relevant frameworks and standards including Functional Skills. Making sure the learner and employer experience is of the highest level of satisfaction and listening to learner feedback and taking action.


What is the most exciting part of your job?

Working with different learners through the apprenticeship journey and building positive relationships. The most exciting part is when learners receive the grade they have deserved. Knowing I have been part of their journey and made a difference in their lives.


What is the best place you have travelled to?

The best place I have travelled to is Mauritius. I went for my birthday in December and the weather was beautiful.


Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? 

I don’t have any hidden talents or hobbies however I am on level 9155 on candy crush.


Do you have any pets?

I have no pets but would love to in the future.


What do you do in your spare time (if you have any)?

Spend time with my family and create new memories every day.


What is your greatest achievement?

My greatest achievement is my children. Bringing them up to be respectful to others and to live their dreams.


What is the dream car you would love to drive?

I would love to drive a Ferrari 488 Spider.

The best piece of advice you would give to your 16-year-old self?

The best piece of advice I would give to my 16-year-old self would never lose faith and always believe in yourself. Every day of your life is a page of your journey and to always make it count.