Apprentice of the Month - May

To recognise the hard work of learners, our Tutors are nominating those who are doing exceptionally well throughout their apprenticeship to be awarded as our Apprentice of the Month.

Well done to Habeeb Mohammed who has been awarded as our Apprentice of the Month in May! Habeeb is currently completing his Level 4 Associate Project Manager apprenticeship with Clancy Group.

Habeeb’s Tutor, Fiona said:

“Habeeb is really focused on his own development and following a period of uncertainty around what was expected from him with his apprenticeship, he is now focussed and committed to complete his course. He has recently spent a lot of time and effort on a fantastic SLC presentation, which helped us achieve DCS status.”

“Habeeb loves his job with Clancy and plans to progress internally and gain promotion as well as a recognised qualification. He recently submitted a copy of his annual appraisal which clearly demonstrates that he is a well liked and respected team player and an integral part of the project team. His technical skills and knowledge have great depth and he is very accomplished in his role.”

“Habeeb is exceptionally polite, well mannered, respectful and positive and upbeat. Just talking with him makes me smile as he is so positive and has a great outlook on his professional and personal life. Even when he had only a short time to prepare for SLC, he produced work to an excellent standard and even under pressure he remains happy and positive.”

“Habeeb has a very specialist technical role and evidence he has submitted of a meeting with end users of his product showed him in a very positive light. He was a positive role model and great ambassador for the company and had excellent customer service skills as well the technical skills and knowledge required to ensure the client understood the complexities of the functions he was demonstrating.”

“As above, he demonstrated good influencing skills and knowledge when discussing technical specifications and demonstrating the functions and was able to translate this to the user without the use of complicated explanations and jargon. He can influence team motivation and productivity as evidenced in his appraisal to achieve positive outcomes.”

“Habeeb owns his own learning and development and has shown great drive and responsibility towards completing set targets on his apprenticeship programme. If unsure, he will ask and clarify what is expected from him. At work, he has a number of key responsibilities and deadlines to meet, which he has done without fail, demonstrating not only responsibility but accountability too.”

“Habeeb fully engages with me and the programme. He is keen to learn and has shown real drive in achieving his SLC. He was to attend the English workshop as he is committed to completing the written exam ASAP, however, he was unable to attend due to the birth of his baby daughter. Habeeb has a very responsible job role, 3 young children and is committed to achieving his qualification to develop his skills and knowledge.”

Congratulations Habeeb for being awarded as LSP’s Apprentice of the Month. Well done for continuously pushing yourself to progress within your course and showing commitment and responsibility towards completing your apprenticeship programme targets.