Get to know the LSP Team - Mike Alsop

Get to know the the LSP Team

As part of a regular feature we would like to give an insight into the LSP team members. It is always nice to find out a little more about those we work alongside and many of our staff have a wealth of knowledge, interests and hobbies that would really surprise you!


Meet Mike Alsop


What sort of duties do you have at work?

My role involves in building corporate relationships with customers and key educational stakeholders, I assist in the leading on policy changes and apprenticeship agenda for the business, I manage the recruitment of Apprentices for businesses in England, I lead the profiling income and funding for Apprenticeships and I manage a team of business development and recruitment specialists.


What is the most exciting part of your job?

Its got to be seeing young apprentices starting out on their chosen career paths and then also speaking to apprentices from years ago, seeing how far they have come, knowing that we played a small part in their development and growth is very rewarding and inspiring.


What is the best place you have travelled to?

Unusually I haven’t been to very many places abroad due to the fact that I am terrified of flying, therefore I would have to say that the place that is closest to my heart has to be the Yorkshire Dales and its surrounding areas, great fishing, great views and great cheese! 😊


Do you have any hidden talents or hobbies? 

A few years ago I achieved a Silver proficiency award in Sabre fencing, a sport/ hobby I would love to re-start at some point. I am also a dab hand when it comes to balloon modelling…


Do you have any pets?

Yes, we have a 7 year old Shih Tzu called Missy and she is a real character, Missy loves nothing more than enjoying her own Sunday dinner complete with a gravy covered Yorkshire pudding!


What do you do in your spare time (if you have any)?

I love all things and anything outdoors, Camping, Fishing and walking, having recently got a new mountain bike I am all over that at the moment.


What is your greatest achievement?

Wow this question would have given such a different answer two years ago, I would of mentioned my children, my automotive career, LSP and so on, whilst I am still immensely proud of these achievements, today when I think about my greatest achievement for the first time I would have to say my complete change in lifestyle, having had heart attacks at a relatively young age I knew that I had to make some pretty drastic life changes, so now my greatest achievements are, stopping smoking after 34 years, losing weight, embracing healthy eating and trying to exercise for at least 45 mins every day.


What is the dream car you would love to drive?

That’s a hard question to someone that spent a lot of time in the motor industry, if these two cars were lined up I am unsure which one I would run two first? A Porsche 918 Spider simply because I think it is draw droppingly beautiful in design with perfect performance to match or Steve McQueens original Ford Mustang from the movie ‘Bullitt’, still the best movie car chase scene ever in my opinion, love that car (love Steve McQueen)! Phew tough choice and thankfully in a strange way one I will probably never have to make 😊

The best piece of advice you would give to your 16-year-old self?

I have 3 pieces of advice surprisingly lol…. Don’t take life to seriously, Sleep on it and stop bloody smoking!